image of kc irving regional centre

KC Irving Regional Centre - Bathurst, NB Tickets

KC Irving Regional Centre Tickets and Seating Charts - Bathurst, NB

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Buy Tickets to KC Irving Regional Centre

Currently, we do not have any tickets available for KC Irving Regional Centre. However, we expect KC Irving Regional Centre to announce more events soon, and Event Tickets Center will be your place to buy tickets. In the meantime, familiarize yourself with the venue. Read about parking, concessions, seating, rideshare, public transportation, bag policy, amenities, and more, and check back soon to buy KC Irving Regional Centre tickets!

KC Irving Regional Center is a great event venue located in Bathurst, New Brunswick. With a capacity of up to 7,000 people, the venue has everything you need for any type of event or performance. From conventions and workshops to live concerts and ice hockey games, this vibrant and active space can accommodate all kinds of events.

Bathurst, NB is an incredibly popular destination for all types of visitors. Located on the Atlantic Coast in New Brunswick, the area boasts stunning natural beauty and vibrant culture. Explore local shops and restaurants, enjoy outdoor recreation activities, and discover lighthouses, beaches, lakes, and streams as well as some fantastic golf courses. There are also several festivals for everyone to enjoy throughout the year. Relax with a picturesque view at one of their quaint cafes or check out one of the many live events within the city limits.

KC Irving Regional Center has been a hub of entertainment in Bathurst since it opened in 1998. This state-of-the-art facility offers over 6,000 seats with 8 spacious skyboxes and various other amenities. From musical performances to major sporting events, the arena has played host to a variety of activities and has taken part in many historical moments. It also houses numerous live music venues, exhibition spaces, and full-service banquet facilities. With its two ice rinks and seating capacity, the KC Irving Regional Center is a must-visit venue for those looking to enjoy all kinds of events in northeastern New Brunswick.